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DESIRES- When every JOULE of energy have concentrated in a single point to help you achieve something you want in life in simple term is known as desire.

One Life - This is all we have got. A single life, which may be a short one or a long one.
So, you may be thinking the duration of our living in this world is not in our control, what is the point of discussing about it!!! But wait, the duration of life is not determined by long you live on this planet Earth. It depends simply on the way you live and enjoy every moment you have. That determines the longevity of your life. 

A person who is alive for 95 years but crushed all his desires throughout his life, is said have led a shorter and sorrowful life than a person who is alive for 65 years but fulfilled every desire he/she saw may it be a smaller one or a bigger one.

There have been thousands of instances in your life when you might have crushed your small little desires sometimes for the sake of health, sometimes to save that extra penny, sometimes thought it to be useless. Let's look at some of them -
  • Dumped the idea of an ice-cream on a winter night because you had a sore throat.
  • Didn't go on a college trip with friends because you had semester exam or your parents didn't allow you to.
  • Cancelled the plan of bunking school or college because you thought that the lecture was more important.
  • Didn't eat that cheesy burger because you thought you are gaining too much.
  • You didn't even think of skipping a day in office because you thought that might affect your promotion.
These are the few things am sure you all have experienced at one point in time in your life. But we don't realize what kind of effect these might have on our bigger and uncanny desires and dreams. Crushing the small desires in no time becomes a habit and in future, you will be ready to crush your one-time dream. 
A scoop of ice-cream is not a big thing, but when your desire to eat an ice-cream is not fulfilled, how can you think of fulfilling your bigger desires!!!! So, grab that ice-cream the next time you see it, no matter what temperature is it.
A movie can be watched even after college or school hours, but doing something when your desire is at peak level is a work of GENIUS. If today you are able to delay your desire of watching a movie, in future you will easily be able to delay your desire to get that luxury apartment.
You don't even dare to skip a corporate meeting because the fear of coming into the radar of your boss doesn't allow you to do so. But what is the use of the kind of job, where you can't even take a day out for you when you really and badly want to?

Right from childhood, you get into this habit of suppressing our small little desires, which may look good and normal in the shorter term but as you grow old, those little habits become the sole reason why you become a boring person with the passage of time and start living an uneventful life.



  1. Absolutely right...killing a desire is harmful beyond imagination...


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