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When was the last time you did something selflessly for someone who cannot in any way repay you back???
Can't remember!!! This is the reason why the gap between the rich and poor is exponentially increasing day by day.

It is really a major thing to worry about. It is we who need to think about this problem and find a solution to reduce the gap between the rich and poor. It is only we who could solve and minimise this problem and bring EQUALITY in our society.

Here I am not talking all about financial help because it is quite possible that many of you will not be to lend money to those who will be in need. For students or non-employed people, it will be difficult to help financially in a big way but a small amount of your pocket money is what I am asking for.
These are a list of ways in the form of which you can lend support to those who really need your help - (provided you are up for it) -
  • School students up to Std -X can donate their books to the poor and underprivileged who cannot afford to buy those costly books from the market - doing this simple thing will ensure that the kids get their minimum education even if they don't take admission in the top-notch schools. Now you might be thinking who will teach them!!! Remember how the kids learn all by themselves once they get the material. Similarly, once they get the necessary material they will find a way out for themselves. But before that, you have to initiate the process. 
  • The amount which you saved to give the party to your friends on your birthday can be utilized to feed the poor who cannot afford a single meal of the day - In India approximately 22 % of the population is above Below Poverty Line(BPL) according to report published in 2012. Approximately 31% of the population of India fall into the category of rich and medium class. So, if these 40 crore people decide to feed the poor or the people falling in the 22 % category on their birthdays instead of partying with friends and relatives, then I am sure close to 95% of the population of India will be able to sleep with food in their stomach.
  • Use your old clothes if not new, to cover the naked body of those kids roaming around in the streets instead of exchanging them for utensils or just throwing it away - think for a while, how does it feel when you cover your naked body with those pieces of branded clothes!!! Yeah, it feels great. So, why not make someone feel great with your old clothes!!! Carry a pair of shirt or t-shirt in your bag every time you go out to attend college or office. On your way when you find some kid without clothes, go and make them wear the clothes. See how it feels!!!
What more will a family engraved with poverty want!!!! We all can change the life of those who are still finding it difficult to manage the basic needs for themselves, by these simple steps mentioned above. They don't demand new books, fast food or branded clothes from you. Actually, they do not demand anything from you, but we as humans have certain duties and responsibilities towards those who cannot afford even the basic necessities of life.

Do something every day for someone who cannot repay you back in his/her entire lifetime. Just bring a smile on someone's face or just help someone in need on your way to work and school. Make your life meaningful by doing meaningful things in life so that when you go back to sleep at the end of the day, you will have something for which you can be proud of yourself.



  1. It is an eye opener!!!!
    These small efforts can really make a huge difference

  2. All I want is to spread the message to as many as possible


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First of all, I would like to request every one to share this particular post as much as possible. Don't just read it, be a part of it . We, men have to accept this FACT . Infact it is a LAW . LAW is anything which is true in any case, in any situation, for ALL . So, it is a law that, BEING A GIRL IS NOT EASY . We must RESPECT  them for what they are. STOP ACTING LIKE GIRLS-( MYTH-INSULT,TRUTH-COMPLIMENT)