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How many times have we dumped our plans of celebrations after achieving something for which we had been waiting for since long!!!!
I am pretty confident, you all must have been doing this right from childhood days.
Some achievements may be small and some may be huge, but what I know is, each and every achievement is worth celebrating. Some achievements are celebrated all alone, some with friends and some with family.

But why do we delay our celebrations???
Do we really have so much faith in our future and goodness of the planet Earth that we can be very sure of postponing celebrations?
If yes, then there is no point reading further.
But I don't have so much trust and faith in futuristic things and natural activities. I do love nature and its activities, but nobody knows what awaits you. So, I am writing further and will try to celebrate this moment as I write.
I promised to celebrate on following occasions as I kept on climbing and kissing successes from childhood to adulthood but I did not -

  • I kept on backing myself for studying hard and getting good marks in Std-X so that I can celebrate and party hard after Std-X...but I didn't because I was already thinking about choosing the right stream and the perfect school for myself.
  • Again  I worked hard day and night to get that perfect college after Std-XII, but I didn't party because either I didn't get my dream engineering college or the top rated college in other universities.
  • Then I thought of celebrating one final time after clearing my engineering degree without any backlogs, but I didn't because the pressure of getting a job in a reputed company again stopped me from celebrating that moment for which I had been waiting for 4 long years.
After postponing the celebrations for so many years now I have realized the importance and value of such celebrations.

If you postpone your celebrations after achieving something in life, it means you don't care about your success and if that is so, one day your list of successes will stop caring for you. Achievements and celebrations should go hand in hand as they are complementary to each other. When you don't celebrate your achievement, it means you are still clinging on to your old aims and goals. If you cling on to your old aims and goals, how will you aim for a new one and a bigger one? So, celebrations are very important and play a very crucial role as the celebration part helps you realize that you have reached your goal and now it's time to aim for new one and letting the previous on go.

Nobody has seen tomorrow, there is no guarantee of your presence tomorrow in this world.So, divide your bigger aims into many smaller ones and then as you keep on achieving each step, celebrate those moments so that you are aware of what you have achieved and what more is needed to be achieved.




  1. Even i did the same many a times...but its true that celebrations are as important as achievements

    1. Yes, not just many a time...make celebration your will inspire you to work harder.


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