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Achieving anything in life is easy, only if you think and believe it to be easy.
We all see dreams almost every day in our lives and wonder when will we achieve it!!! Well, there is obviously no shortcut to anything and we need to plan everything to make sure we achieve it. 
But I can tell you something, a sort of "NO ONE CAN STOP YOU FROM ACHIEVING IT" theory.

I have followed this theory in past and will continue doing so in future ahead to achieve whatever I have thought of!!

First of all decide what you want to achieve and the moment you have done that,"ANNOUNCE IT TO THE WHOLE WORLD". When you do this, indirectly you make sure that you have no chance, literally no chance of backing off. Most people back out from achieving their dreams when they fail in their way of doing things or lose hope of reaching the final destination. During this particular moment, we need a kind of push, which takes our ENERGY HOPE AND DETERMINATION  to another level. We all know that the biggest fear even today in our mind is-"WHAT WILL PEOPLE AROUND ME SAY" when I do not achieve this. 
So, why not use this fear of "what will people say" for our own good!!!! It is all about taking out the positive from everything you see, hear and speak. 

You don't need to promote and reach out to the world to tell and shout out loud about what you want to achieve, but whenever you meet someone you knew or someone new, just share your dream with them. It not only helps you with overcoming the fear but also has following positive effects -
  • every time you speak about your dream, it strengthens your will to achieve it and at the same time gives you a wake-up call about achieving your dream.
  • there are chances that every time you share your dream, you may get to know something new about it and a resonance of understanding may generate between you two.
  • you yourself may discover while explaining about your dream because every time you explain you will have a different way of saying things depending on the person with whom you are talking to.
Millions of dreams in this world get killed only because of the fear of saying it to the world LOUD AND OPEN. There is no harm in dreaming big. It may be your madness or craziness that one day will make you do which no one has ever done or thought of. 
So, be confident of what you want to achieve and don't let anyone create any dent in your dreams, because YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR DREAMS, ONLY YOU CAN BE THE DESTROYER.




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