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FEAR is the reason why approximately 40% of the world population is UNEMPLOYED.

Biggest mistake anyone can do after being unemployed is , "BLAME OTHERS"
Everything starts from within, we have to address the problems that we have in ourselves before blaming the people around us and the government for rise in unemployment. The problem which I am talking about is the emotion of FEAR. It lies within us, and most importantly we have 100% control on our FEAR. If we want we can eliminate it within a fraction of a second. It just requires a sound and clear mind to take a strong decision and next moment FEAR is gone.

Now you must be thinking, how can FEAR be the reason for UNEMPLOYMENT..!!!
It is. In fact all the drama starts from here. So, for eliminating UNEMPLOYMENT, FEAR has to be eliminated.

How to eliminate fear , link-

First of all you have to flush your thoughts, just to empty your minds so that new things can be incorporated. Now I assume everyone is ready to allow few new thoughts to enter into your mind.
  • ENGINEERING, MEDICAL AND CA- these are not the only professions in the world. When we think these 3 as the only way to earn money, we narrow our thinking ability. So we need to broaden our thought base. 
  • There are thousands of field available for you to earn money- but you do not pick any one of those, because of FEAR. 
  1. Fear of failure-if you do not do anything today, even then you are a dump this fear and try to explore different earning fields, so that when you go to sleep, you can pat your back for whatever effort you showed today.
  2. Fear of loss- if you do not earn today, even then whatever you have is gonna end one day (there is no chance of getting anything more), so its better if you lose your money while trying to earn a penny... at least in this case you have a chance of getting something back.
  3. Fear of criticism (from people around us)- this is the biggest and most dreadful fear anyone can have and surprisingly almost every UNEMPLOYED person FEARS  CRITICISM
So, remember one thing-
  • people around you will criticize you for being unemployed
  • people around you will criticize you for earning less
  • people around you will criticize you for earning more
  • people around you will criticize you for stepping into a less common field 
  • people around you will criticize you every time you do something, irrespective of the fact that it is good or bad.
So, the thing you can do is stop getting affected by those bullshits going on around you, because no matter what happens, they will never stop vomiting bullshits. It's you who have to learn how to ignore them and move ahead to chase your dreams.

All these FEARS are enough to destroy the confidence of any individual , who at one point of time might have developed the courage to look beyond those 3 "SO CALLED POPULAR" professions.

Never let FEAR come in the path your dreams. If you want to live your own life, be a master of your own-self, and do what you love to do, then you got to LOOK BEYOND THE LIMITS SET BY NARROW MINDED PEOPLE.

This world is waiting with millions of opportunity at the back of you. You once need to look in a direction which no one is looking at and then the world is yours.



  1. It is worth sharing because if people start thinking this way, then the day is not far when our country w and world will have near zero unemployment


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