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Overconfidence- God knows how many lives it has destructed and how many careers have been crushed to the ground because of overconfidence!!!

Overconfidence can be referred to as a disease which is very malignant in nature. Once it effects you, it leaves you only after reducing your "overconfidence to the level of underconfidence".

Just as salt needs to be in the right amount in every dish to make it taste perfect, a pinch more and the dish becomes too salty and a pinch less makes it tasteless. Similarly, confidence should be in the right amount in your mind, body, brain to make you act perfectly, a level more makes you "overconfident - destruction" and a level less makes you "underconfident - useless".

So, how to maintain the right level of accuracy and not be overconfident in life??
For this, we need to understand, from where does this overconfidence generate, like what is the source point of this disease??? Once we are able to discover this, we will be able to deal with overconfidence in no time.

Some people are overconfident because of their intelligence, some are overconfident because of their huge achievements in life, some are overconfident for no reason.
All the source of overconfidence lies in ILLUSION. Sometimes people start living in an illusionary world where they consider everyone to be foolish and dumb and that no one can defeat them anytime. This, in short, is called RUNNING AWAY FROM REALITY. In fact, according to me, we should RUN AWAY FROM THIS ILLUSION.

We become overconfident of some of the skills we possess and start thinking that no one is better than us in this particular field. Rather we should be "Confident of the skills we possess and think that I am the best in this particular field". Being positive about yourself is a sign of CONFIDENCE while being negative or underestimating someone is a sign of OVERCONFIDENCE.
The moment OVERCONFIDENCE starts residing in your thoughts, even if you possess certain extraordinary skill then it will become a waste. Because the same skill one day will be the reason for your downfall as the sharpness of that skill is reduced to negative scale when OVERCONFIDENCE is added into it as an unnecessary ingredient.


  • If someone asks you to teach your skill, you refuse to teach them - it shows that you don't want to share your knowledge with others and you fear that someone may copy you and become better than you. This fear of losing your skill is OVERCONFIDENCE.
  • If you stop listening to anyone about something you are well aware of - this shows that you believe that, YOU KNOW EVERYTHING, whereas we all know every time there is a scope to learn something new.
  • If you are still bragging about something you had achieved months ago - this shows that the confidence of the previous achievement has taken over you and as a result, you are patting your back for something which is a thing of past. This sign of OVERCONFIDENCE stops you from learning anything new.
These are few signs of OVERCONFIDENCE which we must be aware of, and as soon as we find ourselves lying in any of this category, we must give ourselves a kick and say "IT'S TIME TO COME OUT OF THE TRAP OF OVERCONFIDENCE".

Thoughts are the point of source of your OVERCONFIDENCE. So, think, before you think anything.




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First of all, I would like to request every one to share this particular post as much as possible. Don't just read it, be a part of it . We, men have to accept this FACT . Infact it is a LAW . LAW is anything which is true in any case, in any situation, for ALL . So, it is a law that, BEING A GIRL IS NOT EASY . We must RESPECT  them for what they are. STOP ACTING LIKE GIRLS-( MYTH-INSULT,TRUTH-COMPLIMENT)