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SMILE - I become speechless, the moment this word comes to my mind. Sometimes I try to imagine the power of this word. Sometimes I try to admire the beauty of this word. Sometimes I try to compare the aura of this word. But every time I fail, and not just fail, I fail badly. I fail to define SMILE in specific terms. The more I try to think about it, the more I try to form a clear picture of SMILE in my mind, the more it confuses me.

I feel like I am in love with this word. This word is not a mere word, as it is an expression in itself. It does not require any adjective to define its beauty, persona, and gentleness. But sometimes, I become sad when I look around and find, not many people are there who knows the real importance and depth of SMILE.

The best thing you can do every day is make your loved one SMILE for no reason may be. SMILE for SMILE, that is kind of old style. SMILE for ANGER, welcome this new style.

A smile is that attire which does not require any brand name on it to define its quality. You can wear it anytime, anywhere at no extra cost.
A smile is considered as the QUEEN/KING of all expressions because a QUEEN/KING is not impressed by tears, anger or sadness. The only thing which can impress your QUEEN/KING is your everlasting SMILE.

A simple SMILE can change the entire chemistry of a relationship irrespective of whether you are having a love/hate relationship with someone. The moment you SMILE, it releases a wave of lightning speed emotions which connects with the other one instantly.
This is what happens with me, every time I think of describing this beauty, I am lost.

Here is the list of benefits of smiling more often than we actually do -

  1. We will end up staying away from all other negative emotions such as anger, sadness, hatred, stress, depression, and selfishness. Staying away from negativity, just by wearing a smile on your face. Isn't that a great idea!!!!!
  2. It will help you construct relationships in a world where every day millions of relationships are destructed. An everlasting smile means you will have an everlasting relationship no matter how many hard phases you travel through.
  3. A smile on your face will not only make you happy but also make other people around you smile. 
  4. It will help you throw away all tensions, pressures, and stress miles away from you. So, smile as much as possible as it does not cost you a single penny.
  5. It helps you remain positive, energetic, calm, serene and pure.
Remember to exchange a smile for every service you use. It can be a smile after you use a cab service, it can be a smile when you buy vegetables from the market, it can be a smile when a delivery man delivers something at your home or it may be anything. This simple SMILING exercise will slowly form an unbreakable chain and spread positive vibes all around the world.



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