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Every night just before going to sleep we make ourselves a promise, to FOCUS on right things for right cause from next day. But again the next day, everything happens like it used to be. This is because we forgot that the promise we made that NIGHT even required COMPLETE FOCUS.
So, next time you plan to FOCUS on something, start right at that moment.

List of things which spoils our effort on FOCUSING something and how to prevent them are-

  1. Social media- no claps for guessing it right. It has to be social media right on the top of the list. First of all, we need to get our thinking right, that using social media is not at all objectionable or time waste. We have an uncanny habit of scrolling down the pages on social media every time we pick our phone, may it be for calling, checking emails or searching something on google. So, the only thing we need to do is make sure we don't add up social media to almost everything as if it is complimentary. Rather we can allocate specific duration for using social media just for relaxation. Next time you start scrolling pages of any social media, just ask a question to yourself- "Can I do something more productive"???, and then you can simply enjoy the change in you.
  2. Sleep- one of the FOCUS'S  biggest enemy. But wait, sleep is your best friend right!!! So, can't you talk to your best friend and make him/her understand how important it is for you to focus on something!! When you do this, will your best friend not understand you..! All you have to do is use SLEEP at right time for the right cause. Taking short naps when you are tired is far more fruitful than working day and night with a tired body and mind. In this way, your best friend can help you by forming a connection with focus.
  3. Laziness- not just me and you, everyone out there in this world feels lazy. But surely the intensity of laziness varies from person to person depending on the lifestyle you follow and the food you eat. If you workout every morning at least for 15 minutes or so, it opens up your muscles and pumps up blood to all the organs which were resting throughout the night. Similarly when you feel lazy at any time of your day, just open up your arms and stretch a bit right there where you are, or even a small walk down the corridor will do.
  4. Food- food determines a lot of things you do, one of them is your ability to FOCUS on something particular. Even just by keeping a check on the quantity of food you eat at a time, can create wonders. Make a habit of eating smaller quantity at regular intervals, which helps in keeping your energy level always beyond the threshold limit so that you do not feel lazy, and as a result, can keep building your focus.
The above list may sound very simple and easy to follow, and you may think that you knew all this beforehand and there is nothing great about this. All I would say is that there is a lot of difference between just having the information and acting upon that information.




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