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Think of it for a while with a clean mind and then start reading the blog. This might help you relate to what I am trying to say.

Earning for your own family, working day and night for the betterment of your own children, creating wealth for your future in the right way, all these are no doubt very good things anyone and everyone should do and there is no wrong in that. We all want our family to be in a comfortable situation and we should definitely work towards it.
But have you ever realized in the run for creating a comfortable situation for yourself and your family, you sometimes forget your duty towards your motherland and the people living on this earth who really really needs you!!!!

We do want to make a better life for ourselves, and it should be done but should it be done at the cost of harming others directly or indirectly!!!!

Have you ever realized your transformation when your GREED became your NEED? This is what is really harmful to the planet Earth.
We are the part of a generation who is enjoying the luxuries in the vast way ever possible. So, it is our duty and responsibility to take steps and decisions to protect our Earth for future generations.

Here I will try to list a few things which I have observed happening in the society and if these things are stopped with immediate effect, then it may work wonders. They are -

  1. Switching on the AC for almost 16 hours in your home - everybody feels the heat, and so you need to live in AC. But have you ever thought why is the heat increasing!!! You are one of the reason because even you are unintentionally contributing to the increasing temperature. Switching on the AC every time you feel the heat is not always a solution, sometimes you switching on a COOLER will do similar work. Instead, use the extra money you have to plant a solar panel on your roof to use it for the smaller day to day needs.  
  2. We prefer scooty or bike even for traveling a distance within 1 km range from our house - this habit of yours has not only polluted the Earth too badly but also has affected your health whose consequences may not be so pronounced as of now but will certainly be visible in near future. According to WHO, a human in the age of 20-30 with an average weight of 68Kg should walk a minimum of 8000 steps daily for proper blood circulation throughout the body. Instead, use the extra money to buy yourself a gear bicycle which will not only take care of your health but also save time.
  3. Buying one property after another - some people are in a rush for accumulating properties, forgetting that they can only live in one house at a time. So, what is the want of accumulating properties!!! This habit has led to deforestation at an increasing level and lacs of poor homeless. Instead, you can use that extra money to make the single house your dream home.
Think of it when you get some time. What are we running for!!!! Be aware of the run which you are in. Because this run for making a comfortable and luxurious life for yourself one day may be the sole reason for the destruction your child's future.

Live a life, which you do not feel ashamed of after 20-25 years maybe. It is you who has to take care of yourself and this beautiful Earth. So, find a balance between satisfying your NEED and GREED. 
We all work hard to earn good amount of money to fulfill our needs. But when our hard work and intelligence earns us more money than we actually need, we start satisfying our GREED. This is where CONSTRUCTION OF DESTRUCTION sets in.

We all have a duty towards our Earth and the people living on it....COMING UP IN NEXT POST.



  1. but how to understand that I have satisfied all my needs!!!

  2. Some calculations, certain amount of intelligence and the right amount of knowledge will do the work.
    Basic needs as we say- a good house, a classy car and enough to eat fresh.
    Rest depends on how you set up your lifestyle. 😃


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