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Laughing- it is an activity, which does not make us tired. No matter how much we laugh, softly or loudly, we will never be tired of laughing. So why are we not used to LAUGHING more and more???

We do laugh, but have you ever tried to notice when do we laugh more often! We laugh when we make fun of someone for their mistakes or for no reason. Those are perhaps the best moments according to us. But at the same time we forget, how would we feel when we are in the same situation!!! So, why not make laughing a continuous process. For making it a continuous process we need to find out the moments or situation when we don't laugh.
After some thinking and investigation I found that when people make fun of us or when people laugh at us, we become upset and start getting irritated. So, all we need to do is LAUGH AT OURSELVES.

Benefits of laughing at ourselves are -

  • people will stop laughing at you - it is the most important benefit perhaps. The moment you start laughing at yourself people will be shocked because that is not what they are used to. When you make fun of yourselves, they will stop finding the mistakes in you. Why is it so??? Answer- Because they want to irritate you, and when you get irritated they feel as if they have achieved something huge and they make more fun of you. But when you, instead of getting irritated start enjoying the whole thing, they fail in their process and hence stop laughing at you.
  • vanish your irritation - as soon as you make fun of yourself, it becomes more kind of a fun activity. Now you will have no reason to hate someone or think of taking revenge by making fun of others.These are the things which irritate us, and now when we are free of this, all we can think of is how to spread happiness.
  • a scope to improve your weakness - when you accept your certain weakness on which people had been making fun over the years, from schools to colleges, it creates an opportunity for you to work on it. When someone laughs at your weaknesses, you feel sad, upset and irritated only because you are so egoistic that you are not ready to accept our weakness. But when you accept LOUD AND PROUD, it can help you in converting weakness to strength.
  • a healthy body, mind and soul - when people used to laugh at you, you did not use to enjoy the process, instead, you used to plan how to insult him or her the next time. But now that you are out of that trap, you are open to creative thoughts which only CONSTRUCTS you. When construction begins within you, it leads to the creation of a clean and pure soul
When we laugh, it gives us a chance to spread happiness. Our single laughter can release a huge amount of positive vibes, which can be beneficial for others. Maybe the one in front of you is not laughing just because you don't laugh and vice versa.
Let the sound of your laughter encircle you all the 365 days a year and see the magic it creates both within you and around you.



  1. So true!!! The sound of laughter has almost vanished in this busy world

  2. If I this trick in my school days, then no one would have bullied me and laughed at me.


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