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What is FAILURE?

When we are unable to achieve what we want, we call it as FAILURE. When things don't come easily in our way, we consider it as FAILURE. When we are clueless about what is happening, we call it as FAILURE.

SO, it's time we change this old definition of FAILURE... let us modify it, after all we are in 21st century.
Failure is a part of SUCCESS, rather I should say it is the beginning stage of ROAD TO SUCCESS.
SUCCESS has 3 stages-
  1. FAILURE- We will all face this stage at one point of our lifetime, no matter to which field we belong to. Our journey to SUCCESS remains incomplete without experiencing failure. We all will experience failure, but the point is how one EVOLVES out of this shows the TEMPERAMENT of that person.
  • we should let failure affect us only in a positive way.
  • it should be used as a guide to learn from the mistakes
  • it should not crush our morale
  • it should not shatter our dreams and hopes.
If we remember these simple rules, no matter how many times we experience FAILURE , we will always EVOLVE out of it STRONGER AND FASTER.

     2. EXPERIENCE- when we fail for a number of times, it gives us experience, which is the center stage of SUCCESS.
  • when we fail once, we try to FIND and LEARN from the mistakes
  • when we fail again, we learn to MASTER the mistakes
  • when we fail again , we have learned 3 ways of avoiding failure in future.
This stage helps us building EXPERIENCE.

    3. SUCCESS- Now we finally get the taste of SUCCESS, and this taste, mind it my friends, would not have been SO DELICIOUS without tasting FAILURE
By failing for a number of times we not only learn various ways of avoiding failure in future, but also we become STRONGER than before and prepared to take on further challenges.

Never FEAR FAILURE, it will always TEACH you something which no books, no teacher can teach you

You can share your failure experience in the comment section. 



  1. It will really help to accept failure more easily in future


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First of all, I would like to request every one to share this particular post as much as possible. Don't just read it, be a part of it . We, men have to accept this FACT . Infact it is a LAW . LAW is anything which is true in any case, in any situation, for ALL . So, it is a law that, BEING A GIRL IS NOT EASY . We must RESPECT  them for what they are. STOP ACTING LIKE GIRLS-( MYTH-INSULT,TRUTH-COMPLIMENT)