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NO- this two letter word is generally considered negative and is hardly given any importance in life. It deserves a lot more thought and respect. We use this word only for rejection while it has a lot of positive value hidden in it. For this, we need to learn when and how to say NO in a positive way more often!!!

First of all, we need to understand why do we don't say NO to people???
According to me the most important one is-

  • Fear of negative reaction- when we say NO to someone, we are often afraid that it might be taken in a negative way. The chances are high enough that the people will not understand why you said NO and it may hamper your relationship with them. But you need to think about it. Do the people who are unable to understand you and is ready to put the relationship at stake just because of a NO, really matters!!!!! Moreover, you don't have any control on what will others think about you. All you can do is be good to them, rest is upon them, how they want to take it forward.
  • Lack of self-confidence - it often happens that, if we say NO, there is a higher possibility of standing out of the crowd...and for a person who is under confident or the one who lacks self-confidence, it becomes a nightmare experience. So, they play safe and is often found flowing with the crowd with a YES on their forehead
Now we will try to look why should we learn to say those two magical letters i.e NO -

  • We will be in a situation to say YES to far more important things - in a race of pleasing others, we end up saying YES to almost all things, irrespective of whether it is important or useless. Now that we have found the courage to say NO to less important things, we will be up to say YES to the most important things in life which really matters.
  • Give time to OUR priorities - when we are up to saying YES to each and everyone, we end up satisfying their priorities and demands. We can't be available for everyone 24*7. At some point in time, someone has to hear a NO. So, rather than saying YES to everyone, we should say YES to OUR priorities which can make a difference in our making
  • No heartbreak from expectations - when we say YES to everyone, in return even we expect the same from them. But if in any case, they fail to serve us when we need them and reply us with a NO, our heart kind of feels bad and gets saddened by rejection. Now that we have a habit of saying NO to least important things, even we will not expect people around us to say YES to all our requests or advice. 
  • Live full, free and without boundaries - a simple habit of saying NO to useless things, helps us stand in a position where we are not bound to anyone or any advice. We are free to do what we want to do at any period of time.
  • We can stand up for ourselves - this two letter word has such immense power in it which can within a second help you stand out of the crowd. It brings you in a position where you can stand up for yourself and command your own life.
Remember the excess amount of anything is bad. So, use this word wisely, for the betterment of yourself may be but not to harm anyone. Say NO, in a way which does not hurt anyone's sentiments.



  1. Now I can understand how I have spent my entire life by saying yes to almost anything and as a result didn't get time .

  2. Right timing and right way is the trick.


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