SUCCESS- How do you define success???
Everyone has go their own definition of success, but one thing is common in each and every definition- it has something to do with NAME FAME MONEY.
Our success should not be defined by how much money we earn or how many people recognize us.
Because it has got no limits. Neither money nor fame.
How can you decide a person earning 1 lac a month is more successful or a person earning 1 crore a month...!
If money had been the definition of being successful, then I guess no one in this world is permanently successful, because a person who has lot of money today may not have the same in future or vice-versa.
Infact the day we stop running after money, we are way much more successful than half of the world population.
According to me, the SUCCESS of a person should be defined by her/his THOUGHT-
A good positive THOUGHT once cultivated and feed in the mind, will always remain positive.
According to me SUCCESS should be determined by the amount of eagerness a person shows for learning new things in life.
One who defines SUCCESS in terms of NAME FAME MONEY, will be AS GOOD AS DEAD one day...because the moment she/he achieves that NAME FAME MONEY, he/she will stop GROWING in life.
Each and everyone in this world can be successful, only if he/she has a learning attitude in him/her.
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