Let's see, how our life works???
We wake up every morning (Because we have to), in some or the other way... spend the entire day somehow to earn our living...but just after spending half of our day, we start thinking ,when will this day end so that we can go back to our home sweet home and relax and go to sleep....finally the day ends ,we sleep and again wake up somehow the next day...and CYCLE REPEATS.
But our life should not repeat the cycle in the same way... rather it should work in this way just with a change.
First of all we have to FIND A REASON IN LIFE TO WAKE UP EVERY MORNING WITH RENEWED ENERGY AND ENTHUSIASM... the REASON SO STRONG, that no TIREDNESS can defeat...then see the change.. you will sleep every night, not because you want some PEACE from hectic day of work, but you will sleep, because you want to give your body some rest, so that it could function with same enthusiasm and zeal the next day to LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS, that you have from your BODY self...now when you will wake up the next day, YOU WILL BE READY TO ROAR... NO MATTER WHAT COMES YOUR WAY.
Try to MIX up your day to day work with FUN activities because we all want some variety in life... NEVER ISOLATE WORK FROM FUN... MAKE WORK AND FUN BOTH PART OF EACH OTHER.
We ourselves are the reason for making our life boring,because there is fun in every work we do. We just need to look out for it initially, then in the later stage we will start enjoying it automatically.
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