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LIFE is simpler than what it seems to be.
Life becomes easier and joyful when we do everything with a good intention ,
not just for the good of ourselves but most importantly for those who are around us.

When we are kind and generous for someone , "According to Newtons third law of motion"⇒ we will for sure receive kindness and generousness in return...!


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YOUTH - The humans who carry confidence in their sleeves. MODERN YOUTH - The humans who carry confidence with the mixture of knowledge and intelligence under their sleeves. There used to be a time when more than half of the young generation had a lot of confidence in themselves, but their bad luck was that they didn't know how to use that immense amount of confidence for their own good. Now the times have changed, with the sense of realization and awareness coming into play. That very young generation have modernized themselves in a way, which has the amalgamation of both the future and past i.e the Young and the Old generation. These present-day people are not just energetic and enthusiastic about what they want to do, at the same time they are aware and calm about the precautions that need to be taken in doing the work they want to do. Now comes the most important part!!! On what basis I am speaking and writing this - there must be some data or...