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EXPECTATION is the cause of all bitterness in any relationship

EXPECTATION is nothing more than COMPULSION.
It is a process where you try to forcibly make someone do something by coating your demands with sugary substance.

EXPECTATIONS are not bad until you keep it only to yourself. Expecting something from yourself is no bad thing. You have every right to expect everything from you. Time and again you can ask yourself to do something for yourself.

But why do you have such HIGH EXPECTATIONS from somebody??? In fact, who are you to make someone act or do something the way you like to??

I would say, the one who tries to fulfil everyone's expectations is the real culprit. Once you live up to someone's expectation- 
Will they in future not expect anything from you?? 
Surely they will, in fact, the expectation level will increase in future. Because people are never satisfied with what they get. 

During the initial phase of every relationship say, parent-children, husband-wife, boyfriend-girlfriend, teacher-student, or any of this kind, you try to do every possible thing to make each other happy and form a good positive image of yourself. With time what happens is both of them does the same for each other which they used to do at the start of their relationship, but the demands and their expectations from each other increases vastly
So, now what happens is that even if you do something for the other one, they will not be satisfied because of their high expectations
In fact, slowly and gradually those earlier expectations which you fulfilled just by yourself (out of self-love, respect and dedication), becomes a habit for someone and they start taking all of those for granted. The value for all those things decreases.

Here is an immense number of such kind of instances which you can relate to-
  • As a child when you stood 3rd in the class for the first time, your parents were happy and expected you to grab that 2nd position the next time. Then next time when you stood 2nd in the class they felt extremely happy about it but now they expected you to grab that golden 1st position in the class. Now what happens is, you stood 2nd in the class again. So that is a very good thing I suppose but your parents weren't as happy as they were when you stood 2nd for the 1st time in class.
Do you know why you were not able to make to that 1st position finally??? It is not because you did anything wrong or did not study much, but later it became a compulsion for you to come 1st in the class which earlier you were doing out of self-love. There was no pressure on you to do anything, but as soon as you fulfilled someone's expectation, they started demanding more and you tried to find out methods to fulfil each of their expectations and as a result, you deviated from the real cause for which you were studying.
  • Remember your soulmate's reaction, when you gave her a rose for the first time!!! Then you again gave her a single rose the 2nd time you met. What was the difference between both the reaction!! Rose was having the same smell, colour and beauty. You were having that same loving and caring intention. Then what made her give a low gentle reaction the 2nd time you gave her a rose?? It is her expectation that you would do something better next time. So, when her expectation was not fulfilled, it made her a bit low.
  • Wife cook's for her husband for the first time after marriage and she gets unimaginable compliments from her husband for cooking such delicacies. Now 5 years down the line she has been doing the same every day with the same taste and love but the compliments seem to have faded. Why is this???
In this way, you can relate yourself to a number of such situations you have been in life. 
When you do something for someone out of self-love and happiness, it is completely fine. But when you start doing something out of the box, just because someone expects something bigger and better from you this time, it is not done
If you do something forcibly to fulfil someone's "EXPECTATIONS", then it is nothing more than an ACT, because it is not the real YOU. You are trying to be someone you are not and which in turn takes away your real identity. This slowly with time destroys the very aspect of you and you start feeling guilty one day because one day you will not be able to fulfil the EXPECTATIONS.

So, be who you are. Do, what you can do. Be, what you are capable of being. If in that process of being you, someone feels happy, cheerful and delightful because of you, then it would be real

People around you will have millions and billions of expectations from you all throughout the life, and you are not here to fulfil everyone's expectation. 



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