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SLEEP- An activity in which our body rests for a while. Yes, it is a sort of activity. If it would not have been an activity, then why would some people find it difficult to sleep?

All the activities in the world can be done just for a certain period of time, after which our body gets tired and it demands rest to regain the energy. Similarly, as sleep is also an activity, it also has to be done only for a certain period of time. If done beyond that and on a continuous basis, our body feels tired and fatigue starts accumulating inside our body. So, it is necessary for the body to wake up after a definite amount of sleep or the body will start getting tired.

Sleep can be further explained clearly as a FAST FOOD. If you have ever noticed, then you would understand what I am trying to say.
Suppose we feel hungry, and to stop that hunger we eat a packet of chips or fries or any other fast food. But those fries and chips instead of reducing our hunger just give it a push and act as a stimulus for hunger. Similarly, after a proper amount of sleep when you think of getting an extra hour of sleep, it just acts as a FAST FOOD. It instead of reducing your fatigue, act as a stimulus for dullness and makes you more tired.

Have you ever wondered, why sometimes it is really difficult to go to sleep even when you feel a whole lot of tired from inside!!!!

It is because it is your mind that is tired not your physical body. This is the cause for sleepless nights for many out there in the world. For a good quality of sleep, it is absolutely necessary that your body performs certain activity throughout the day which makes it a bit tired.

  1. Tiredness at mind level is due to improper thinking, excessive use of mobile, continuous use of social media and negative feeling about people around you.
  2. Tiredness at body level is due to the physical activities you perform throughout the day, be it morning walk, exercise, yoga, evening walk and day to day work.

1st one, the tiredness at mind level should be your GREED and the 2nd one, the tiredness at body level should be your NEED. But for the maximum people out there, it is performing in a reverse way. You have made the 1st one, the tiredness at mind level as the NEED of your life and the 2nd one, the tiredness as body level as the GREED of your life.

So, you are just busy in nothing but satisfying the NEED of your life, not realizing that it is the wrong NEED you are running after.

A golden rule which I have discovered and has worked 100% in my life to get a rich quality of sleep every night is - "Stay away from your mobile, TV, laptop or any electronic device for at least 30 minutes before going to sleep". I assure you will feel the difference the next morning you wake up.

Before you judge what I am saying, just try it for a day or two. If it does not give you any result, dump the idea and continue doing what you used to do.



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