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BLISSFUL means IMMENSE AMOUNT OF HAPPINESS AND PEACE IN LIFE, amount of which is not even countable.

A blissful life is not like a period of sadness, followed by a period of happiness, then again a period of happiness and so on. This period of happiness and sadness in life exist in life when you try to find happiness in something or someone. So, the one who makes you feel happy is around you, you feel happy and the moment that someone who makes you feel happy moves away from you, it makes you feel sad.

Look, before you find the solution of HOW TO MAKE LIFE BLISSFUL, you need to find out the reason WHAT KEEPS YOU AWAY FROM MAKING YOUR LIFE BLISSFUL??

So, after observing a lot of people around me and in places I found out that there is the only single thing which keeps you away from making your life blissful.

YOU always CARRY A BAGGAGE OF BEING SOMEONE ELSE. This is the real problem with you. It stops you from being YOU. When you try to be someone else, it gives you a constant reminder of WHAT YOU SHOULD DO AND WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT. At the back of your mind, the smooth flow of thoughts STOP and as a result, the smoothness of HAPPINESS stops flowing in your life and SADNESS overtakes it.

  • We go to a bar, we try to be someone else.
  • When we are in front of our teachers, we try to be someone else.
  • When we are in office, we wear the mask of someone else.
  • When we are with friends, we are completely different.
  • Now, when we are at home, we pull down a different look.
  • Then finally when we marry, we change our character drastically.
This baggage of so many characters inside your mind keeps you busy all throughout the time. This stops you from LIVING the SINGLE piece of LIFE which you have got. You try to find out reasons, which will one day settle forever in your life and your life will become BLISSFULL forever. But that reason, believe me, my friend will never come in your life, because there is no such thing which remains with us FOREVER.

Do you feel happy and excited every morning, after you find that you are alive and awake the next morning!!! Not just you, the people whom you love are also alive the next morning. Is that not enough to be the reason to make you super happy and excited every day? Or do you have a feeling that YOU ARE IMMORTAL!!!! Because only that kind of feeling and information will let you be unaware of the importance of your EVERY SECOND BREATH of your LIFE.

Don't take your LIFE for GRANTED. I would say NEVER EVER. You don't OWN your BREATH. Not even a SINGLE ONE. But how to make a count of every single second of your life, is TOTALLY UPON YOU AND WHAT YOU WISH TO DO WITH THAT SECOND.

I am not saying other things in life don't matter or they are not important, but if you be happy and blissful all within you, then it will be easier for you achieve whatever you want to achieve.



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