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SOCIAL MEDIA - It is a platform, where we are able to get the news of all of the things going around in the world in one place. It means nothing more than that according to me.

Explaining something to yourself which you understand completely is the most important part of anything.

Social Media has become a reason for death, depression, murder, theft, molestation, kidnapping and a vast number of crimes going all around in the world.

I have not written this just for seeking your attention. It really has become the source of all the negatives in the world. I will list here a number of facts and instances which will prove these right.

  • Social media was created with an intention to bring together the people all around the world. It helped the people to get connected to someone living in another country or another place. Its real intention was to cheer the bond among the people and strengthen it to the limitless point. But it has done just the opposite in recent past. It has created a void among the people who were close to them. One who was far away got a bit closer but one who was close, right there around him/her, went a million miles away in terms of sharing the memories and those magical moments. A family of 4 sitting in the same place but all busy in there own different virtual world.
  • Social media could have been a cause of removing the stress from the tedious amount of work right throughout the day. But it proved to be very different. It became the stimulus for the stress after the hard day at work. People became addictive to it and instead of spending a few minutes, started spending almost the vital 2-3 hours of their day on an average. Chronic usage stressed out their eyes, hands, body etc.
  • Social media could have been used to show off the talent. But it turned out to be a disaster. People used it to show off their belongings, richness, attitude, pride, ego, hatred, money etc. They started showing off anything and everything they could possibly show, except their talent
  • Social media has eliminated emotions. They have forgotten how to speak and share their words face to face. Now if anything matter is how many likes and shares you get for sharing your emotions.
  • Social media is now being used as a platform to keep an eye on you. But credit goes to you because you were the one who started uploading anything and everything about your whereabouts. 
The list can go on and on and on. But the people who read it to understand what I am trying to say has already got it into their mind. But those who didn't until now, there is no point in writing or explaining any further to them.

All I meant to say is, use the platform in a way it benefits you. It should be used as a stressbuster and not stress manufacturer. A study recently showed that people often get upset after visiting a social media platform after seeing the happenings and posts of their so-called friends.

Social media has become a place for the RACE for increasing the number of followers, friends, likes, and comments.
How many friends in your social media platform are you in contact with on a day to day basis???

Social media is a great platform to accumulate the happenings of all around the world. It acts faster than the news channels. It can be a great place to promote your entrepreneurial skills. It is the perfect place to show off your talents. So, realize the vast potential it has to use it accordingly.



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