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Love - The moment we hear this four-letter beautiful word, the world suddenly seems to be a far better place than it was a few moments ago...!
This is the beauty of love. The kind of feeling it provides and the way it encapsulates you with the bubbles of emotions and happiness, it cannot be explained in mere words ..!
But some people consider Love and Crush to be two different emotion and feeling. But it is not so.
Crush - As the name suggests is the compressed form of Love.
Crush can be also called the trailer or the trial period for Love. It is like the return and cancellation policy that the company provides. You can use for 10-30 days and if you do not like, return the product.
Same is the case with Love and Crush. During your trial period, you can decide on whether it is suitable for you to confirm it to the status of Love or trying someone else....!
Like every product has a different return policy, every Crush has a different period of cancellation too, which is based on endurance to sustain pain. Because rejection hurts when rejected beyond a certain period of time.
Initially whatever you feel and the first sight feeling is Crush. Then when you come across the same person again, the feeling of Crush starts expanding itself to give it a nice bubbly shape and feel called Love.
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So, more precisely Love can be called as an expanded form of Crush.
As we all know every substance do not expand, so the same is with our emotion and feelings. It does not expand for all. Sometimes it may even contract and minimize to the level zero.
Same happens with Crush when it comes across a person with whom the bond does not blossom the next they meet and it gets crushed to "Ex"...!
The beauty of Love is, it can be expanded to any level you yourself want. Just the care you have to take is that it is always handled with softness and delicacy.
It is as simple as that...!
Crush is the physical form of Love...!
Initially, you just fall for the physical beauty of the person, be it any part of the body. It is quite natural to happen because you cannot fall for the soul just by seeing a person. You gotta be a superhuman to do so.
While Love is the core of emotions...!



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