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                                                                                 Procrastination- It is not a habit, but an attitude...!

An attitude which when exceeds a certain limit becomes negative and deadly.
This kind of attitude when becomes an addiction, have the ability to kill your effectiveness and efficiency.
Ever thought why do we procrastinate things?
It can be either due to two of the below reasons-
  1. You are afraid of taking up the work.
  2. You think it is not that important to be done for the time being.

If you are among the ones who procrastinate things due to 1st reason, then it is absolutely very necessary to change the process of doing your activities. The work or activity which seems difficult today will not become less complex or easy the next day by some magic or so.
Neither your work will vanish one fine day like there is an expiry for the consumer durables. Works don't come with an expiry date, so there is no valid point in the world to procrastinate the work which has to be done anyway sooner or later. The hardest of the activities, when taken up at once would start seeming less difficult and easy. Once you start delaying your work, then you form a virtual story in your mind about the difficulty level of the work and then you find it even harder to complete it later.
Now if you belong to the group who procrastinate the work because of the 2nd reason, then you are maybe some superhuman who likes to do things which unless and until don't become difficult or comes at the stage you have to complete at any cost, you don't even bother to touch it.
This 2nd reason is highly dangerous as it plays with your mind. Something which seems easy today may become difficult tomorrow and lands you in a spot where even if it is not difficult it seems tough because of time constraints.
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Have you been in a circumstance when you procrastinate work saying - "Today was a busy day, or I would have surely taken up that work"??
I have, many a time said the above lines.
But when the final or the cut off date arises, I complete the work with ease.
But never realized why does this happen until an incident happened at my workplace.
I was procrastinating a work giving reasons like "Tough day, no time, busy week" etc., but later I found out to be just Excuses.
I was procrastinating a work thinking of it as a time taking activity for almost a month, but when the final date arrived I completed the entire work in a day, with all ease. That night I wasn't happy with myself, though I completed the work which was almost impossible to be completed in a single day. That feeling of satisfaction and happiness wasn't there and that made me think about procrastination very deeply.
That night I realized it has become my attitude and a not valid reason for delaying the work. If I want I can complete any work on any given day without delaying it for no reason.

So, from next time you think of procrastinating your work, ask yourself - "Is it a valid reason for procrastinating or is it just a lame excuse for delaying the work"?? I am 100% sure you will get an honest answer because when you ask something to yourself, it is your heart which speaks and hearts don't lie ... :)
A work done just because it has to be done doesn't give you satisfaction. So to earn the real fruit of any work, make sure you do the work because you wanted to do it.



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