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A day well spent is a day added to your short span of life.
A day wasted is a day reduced from your long span of life.

Choose wisely, before you kick-start your day.

Our life consists of a bundle of a few days which is distributed in the form of packets of 24 hours. We are not provided with this bundle of energy all at a time, it has to be earned from our ALMIGHTY. A single packet at a time at least. This packet of energy is ours, it is we who need to decide how to utilize this day and get ready for the next packet which might come our way.

So, here are a few thoughts I would like to share with all my readers on how to plan a day and make it count. I don't know if it is all right and if it is the best advice one can give to someone, but what I am sure is that it has helped me make my life easy and peaceful.

SO, here it starts-

  • PLAN - First thing first we should not forget to make a list of the High priority and Least priority activities which one needs to complete on a particular day irrespective of the fact that you are a salaried employee or an entrepreneur, a business tycoon or a shopkeeper running your shop, a student good at sports or a student wanting to score high marks in school. This is one step which we all should follow, no matter which stage of life we are in and no matter however busy we are. Just go for it.
A PLAN without IMPLEMENTATION is like eating a GULAB JAMUN without ICECREAM. So, here comes the next step - 
  • IMPLEMENT - Now, all you have to do is take up the High priority activities on the table and finish it off in one go. Once you start implementing the task and activities, the road ahead seems easy and you get a clarity in mind on how to go about the next high priority activity. This small achievements in the course of the day give you the boost which we need to make our day productive. 
Now, that you have planned and implemented WASTED.
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the most important activities in a particular day, most of the people believe their work to be all done and that spoils their whole day of work and it becomes a
It is alright to go about the activities which are on the top of the priority list but at the same time, you need to be flexible with your plan for adjusting some of the least priority activity, which might in the course of the day or due to some incidence achieves the tag of HIGH PRIORITY. When you are able to be aware of this, give a pat on your back as you have almost mastered the art of living your day.

We all love sweets on any particular day, but a day without any masala and spices is like eating a chat without adding "teekhi wali chatni".

So, here comes the most important step of the day - 
  • Bring your mind to the notice of all the tasks which you tried to postpone throughout the week or you kept telling yourself that it could be done afterward. These are the activities and tasks which acts as a silent poison in your life and kill your productivity in the longer term and then you are left with no choice. So, what you have to do is, solve that tasks or complete the activity right at that point or it will come back to you again to haunt you not in your dreams but in your daytime
No matter if you are a school student or a college student or a salaried employee or an entrepreneur, it is all up to you how much and for how long you work on a particular day. It is you who need to decide what should be your working hours and at what time you should leave from office or at what time you should shut your books. 

At the end of the day, when leaving for home from work, if you are prepared to go before your actual working hours, then believe it, my friends - YOUR DAY HAS BEEN ONE GREAT DAY AND YOU SHOULD CHERISH THAT



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