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I would like to start this post with a world famous quote -


I chose this very quote because it contains the entire story which I am going to talk about.
SATISFACTION has nothing to do with the money you have and the materialistic things you possess. The moment you dare to look within you for finding an answer to the above question, you will realise it all. 

You can anytime be satisfied in the outer world, the moment you reach a six-digit salary, buy a four-wheeler car, own a 3BHK apartment, have two lovely kids with a beautiful wife/husband. This all looks great to go until the moment you are in a crisis and you realise these things are not enough to bring you out of that crisis which has fallen upon you. 

But what is this crisis??? 
Can't it be solved with all the money you have and the things you possess!!!
Can't the love of your wife/husband and the innocence of your kids take you out of the trouble???

The crisis here I am talking about is not related to money matters or professional crisis. These crises are easy to digest and easy to forget and more than easy to overcome. Because if you are talented, you will certainly come up with a new idea for your business or crack a new job. Maybe even better than before. 
This crisis is about your inner world, the world within you which needed your attention the most. The world which waited for your glance day and night, but you never bothered to give it a look. It does not matter what you do in the outer world unless and until you have done your homework and got the lessons from your inner world. Because it is the inner world that guides your actions which you perform in the outer world. 

When you do not look after the world within you for a long time, it starts rusting and is therefore not able to pass the layer to reach and communicate your thoughts to guide them into the right direction.

You must do everything that is necessary to satisfy your inner world. You will be able to grow and move ahead only when you have fully satisfied from within. You will learn to care and give importance to the important things only when you are satisfied from inside otherwise all your time will go waste in giving importance to the least important things in your life

INNER SATISFACTION comes from day to day interaction with yourself. You sometimes need to be absolutely true to yourself when you are communicating with the most important being in your life i.e YOUR INNER WORLD

When you do this, with time you will realise the calmness you have claimed and the SATISFACTION you have achieved without spending a single penny. 

There will be times when even if you mistakingly chose the wrong direction or do a wrong thing in life, your inner world will come to your rescue and bring you out of all the downsides in your life.

So, take out some time for the inner world of yours. Because it is great and in action when it is CALM. The moment it realises you don't care for it, it creates a HAVOC which can shatter all your hard work in a fraction of seconds. 


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