The whole world is constantly trying to fight the chattering going around them. Chattering may be about them or it may be to demise the character of someone or it may be about the different problems that the country is facing.
When someone keeps talking about you, about your character and your profession, then you are left with just two options.
- FACE IT i.e GIVE IT BACK RIGHT ON THEIR FACE - This is the easier way out, as it helps you release all your frustrations. But you must be again ready to take it on you when you throw a word or two. This might then continue for long as both of them tries to satisfy their ego. It actually becomes A WAR OF EGO.
- IGNORE LIKE YOU WANT TO IGNORE THE STREET DOGS BARKING AT YOU - This step requires a serious amount of courage. You have to do a lot of homework before you actually can reach that stage of SERENE AND CALMNESS to ignore the shit.
This happens because the people who irritate you for no reason, wants you TO GET IRRITATED. But if this does not work and you don't get IRRITATED, they fail completely in their SILLY GAME of their own and eventually GIVE UP.
In the way of your life, as you will move forward, every now and then you will meet with these kinds of people who for no reason will try to CRITICIZE YOU, PUT YOU DOWN, DEMEAN YOU OR IRRITATE YOU. Some people are there around you, who find SATISFACTION when they make people CRINGE, STRESSED OR SAD.
What I feel is, these people help you become stronger and better with each passing day. Once you learn to deal with these kinds of people then there is NO STOPPING YOU.
But sadly there is a 3rd kind of people who cannot follow any of the two options mentioned above. They are the ones who suffer the most. They don't know how to answer them or how to ignore them. All they could do is feel sad, feel depressed, feel frustrated, feel completely lost. They lose the complete meaning of life. These kinds of people undergo a MENTAL TRAUMA because of those PSYCHO SILLY PEOPLE. Ultimately they take some severe and harsh steps in their lives and cause harm to themselves by committing SUICIDE.
Giving up is never the right solution for anyone, be it BOY OR A GIRL. It is your life, you got to fight it yourself. You got to stand up for yourself and fight the battle alone.
I would suggest everyone reading this blog, to follow the 2nd option i.e IGNORE LIKE YOU WANT TO IGNORE THE STREET DOGS BARKING AT YOU. But for following this option you need to do some homework regularly. This homework will not be for marks and grades. This will be JUST FOR YOU AND YOUR ONLY LIFE.
It's really difficult dealing with people around.