We all want to live a life KING SIZE.
We dream of a life which is SMOOTH, HAPPY, PEACEFUL, CALM AND PLEASANT.
Yes, we do crave for a BEAUTIFUL piece of life.
Why do we need to crave for it???
What's wrong with the current phase of life???
Isn't it harmonious!!!
Isn't the situation in your favour!!!
So, who is responsible for this??
Don't you have the control of the situations in your hands???
Many questions asked, but not a single answered.
So, let me begin with answering all of them right from the beginning.
We crave for a BEAUTIFUL piece of life because we have a HABIT of craving for things which we don't have. The moment we stop craving for a BIGGER AND BETTER life, we will start finding this piece of life equally BEAUTIFUL.
In this current phase of life, we have a habit of finding the CAUSE AFTER THE EFFECT HAS SHOWN IT'S RESULTS. But we want our life to be in a phase where we can control the CAUSE TO GUIDE THE EFFECT.
Harmony in life is WHEN YOU SEE IT. It is your viewpoint and the way you see life, makes your life HARMONIOUS.
Almost all of you would answer the question with a big NO. But the truth is the SITUATION OF YOUR LIFE IS ALWAYS IN YOUR FAVOUR.
I will explain.
It is we who plant the seeds of THOUGHT, may it be PURE OR IMPURE, POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE, GOOD OR BAD, BESTIAL OR HUMANE. Now that we have planted the seeds of THOUGHT, it requires some kind of NURTURING which is in the form of CONFIDENCE. If it is a POSITIVE THOUGHT, the nurturing takes place in the form of SELF CONFIDENCE while if it is a NEGATIVE THOUGHT, the nurturing takes place in the form of OVERCONFIDENCE, which stops us from realising what we are doing is WRONG. After the process of nurturing, the THOUGHTS GROW INTO A WHOLE TREE. This TREE one day is bound to show it's FRUITS, maybe GOOD OR BAD. These FRUITS creates different situations and circumstances in your life which may be HARMONIOUS OR INHARMONIOUS.
Because it is the action of your OWN THOUGHTS which is SHAPING YOUR LIFE AHEAD.
So, what we understand is, the CAUSE of all the EFFECT lies dip inside in the form of THOUGHTS whose ROOTS are grounded deep in your FERTILE MIND.
It is the right time perhaps to do some digging deep down there to convert THE IMPURE INTO PURE and stop the conversion of FERTILE INTO INFERTILE.
You are the MAKER of your THOUGHTS. You are the SHAPER of your SITUATIONS.
Chose the right thought today, so that you don't create a situation for yourself in future, where you will have to again point out someone FOR YOUR OWN SITUATION.
The QUALITY of your LIFE will improve, the moment you realise which THOUGHTS should find a place in that BEAUTIFUL MIND of yours and which of the THOUGHTS should be dragged down to REMOVE in the form of WASTE THE NEXT MORNING.
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