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DREAM- In simple word, dreams are made up of small little elements of our day to day life which is able to grab our attention in no time.

A dream can be a beautiful one - which we would like to feel and experience again and again in our life.
A dream can be a dreadful one -  which we just want to forget within a flash of time and sometimes it is so terrifying that we fear to close our two little tiny eyes the next night.

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A dream can be a life-changing one - which defines both our professional and personal career.

There are certain dreams which we see with our eyelashes apart fighting with each other while we see certain dreams with our eyelashes romancing, dying to be with each other.

So, there is no doubt and suspense about which one of the above two dreams shapes our future in the long run.

It all starts from here, the moment we realize that this is the dream of life and no dream can be greater and grander than this one, we jump up with joy and try to frame a clear picture of achievement in our mind. So, the moment we realize this, we try to analyze the pros and cons of achieving it. In doing so, sometimes we cheat and convert even the cons to settle into the zone of pros. When we start cheating in order to digest the tough situations we are gonna face on the path of achieving that dream, we must understand something very well - the reel is soon going to be real.

To get to the BED OF ROSES, one has to cross a PATH OF THORNS. This is inevitable. 

But the most beautiful part is, you were always prepared to cross the path of thorns because you very well knew that once you are able to tolerate the sharpness of the thorns, the softness of the roses will be even more satisfying. Once our mind is prepared for something, then everything seems very easy. But sometimes life surprises us with bouncers. In order to achieve greater things in life, we must take life as T20. So, in T20 a bouncer has to be played to come out victorious. 

Similar things happened to me. 
I too saw a dream.
A dream in which my eyelashes were romancing with each other.
I immediately realized and grabbed that life-changing dream.
I was preparing myself for facing the bed of thorns to have a comfortable life in the bed of roses.
But life threw a bouncer at me.
I had to play that bouncer, in order to chase that dream which I was preparing for.
If I had let go of that bouncer past me, then I would have been a failure in both achieving the dream and a failure in " WHATEVER THE PARTICULAR BOUNCER YOU TERM IT"

My BOUNCER was kind enough to go the distance and win the match for me. 
It is all about how you are as a human being. No matter how many bouncers life throws at you. If you have a clean heart and a calm mind, you are going to get that bouncer sail over the ropes and make a WIN-WIN situation in any case.

You all can share your "BOUNCER" in the comment section.
If anyone wants to know the "BOUNCER" in my life, kindly mention in the comment section below.

Bid a peaceful and mindful goodbye to 2017.


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